Golghat Purbanchalik College library was established in 1987- the establishment year of the college. In the time of beginning it had a few books. Gradually, the collection of books as well as the services have been improved. Ex-Students, faculty members, office staff of the college past and present and well wishers have been donated lots of books to the library. Students, faculty members and the staff have membership of the college library. The objectives of the college library are to ensure easy and timely access to its resources. In order to meet the challenges of the time and cope up with readers, new management procedures and information and communication technologies (ICT) have been deployed. To promote reading habits among the users the library committee has introduced the ‘Best Library User Prize’. The Library has over 2120 (Two thousand one hundred and twenty) books, some recent and back volumes of Magazines, Journals and daily News Papers. The library installed ‘KOHA’ an Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) in June 2023 to handle management functions and provides services to patrons. Considering the fact that majority of the users belong to economically weaker families the library takes extra care to them. The library also organize orientation programme and takes feedback from its users regularly.
- To collect, consolidate and circulate information and knowledge to students, teachers, staff and other academic communities,
- To support study and research by providing continuous access to information resources,
- To promote uses of various sources and resources of information and knowledge among the user,
- To preserve, protect and reuse the invaluable resources to its users,
- To maintain universal and democratic ethos of the Library.
Library Rules and Regulations:
- Library working hour starts from 00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
2) It is mandatory to keep silence in the Library. Library users shall not make any noise or talk to each other while inside the Library.
3) Entry of students without uniform is not allowed
4) Everybody is required to sign at the time of entry to the Library
5) Students, teachers and the staff are mandatory to make the Library Membership Card for borrowing books and other library materials.
6) All personal belongings except purse and note books will not be allowed to take inside the library.
7) Books are to be issued to the members only for 7 days, exceeding which they will have to pay Rs.1.00 per day.
8) Students will have to pay full price of a book lost, torn or defaced any way by them.
Library Code of Conduct:
Golaghat Purbanchalik College Library is a place for learning and scholarly reflection. The library staff and administration strive to provide such a place for users. To this end, library users are asked to follow the ‘Library Code of Conduct’. For more information concerning this code of conduct please referred to library Website.
We expect our library users to:-
- Follow all library policies and procedures including the food and drink, cell phone and computer use policies.
- Engage with library staff in a respectful ant courteous manner.
- Treat other library users with respect. Avoid loud conversations, disruptive behaviors, and use of the library for non-academic or non research purpose.
- Respect the rights of other users to access library materials. Deliberate misplacement of library materials, or the deliberate postponement of returning library materials, is prohibited.
- Care for library books and other materials properly. Library materials should not be written on or defaced in any way. Users are responsible for the care of items checked out to them.
- Care for library equipment, furniture, and facilities. Leave library furniture in its place.
- Never leave personal items, laptops etc. unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
- Refrain from sleeping in the library.
The library also expects library users to follow all college rules and regulations as well as local, state and national laws:
- Smoking in the building is prohibited.
- Use, possession, distribution of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs is prohibited.
- Lewd or obscene conduct, or sexual misconduct, is prohibited.
- The library will bill the library user for lost , missing, mutilated, defaced items.
- The library will remove from the building violators of the code of conduct and / or revoke library privileges.
Library Advisory Committee, Golaghat Purbancchalik College Library,Hatiyekhowa- Golaghat:
As per direction of the DHE, Assam, Golghat Purbanchalik College library constituted a Library Advisory Committee in 2017 under the chairmanship of the principal i/c. Because, the college has not the post of a UGC Librarian, an Assistant Professor should function as the convener of that committee. The committee sits twice in a year for discussion of all-round development of the library. Taking into account the increasing role of a library, the Library Advisory Committee has been constituted as follows:
President : Principal
Convener : An Asstt. Professor nominated by the Principal
Member : IQAC Co-coordinator, and
: All the Heads of the Departments
Aims, power and Functions of the Committee:
Some of the important aims of the committee are as follows-
(a) To take decision on the policy matters relating to the management of the Library .The policy matters include finalization of Library annual budget, sub-allocation of the Library budget to different categories of expenditure like purchasing of books, journals requested by each Department and to equip for staff requirement, etc.
(b) To finalize working hours and number of days of the library,
(c) Books and Journals to be procured by the Librarian as per the recommendation of the respective sub-allocations of the budget,
(d) To finalize on the Circulation Policy of the library.i.e.no of books to be issued to different category of users ,issue period, charges for late return, regarding journals issue, photocopy service to provide and other related matters,
(e) To adopt weeding out policy for books, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. and policy for writing off loses of Library documents due to theft, damage due to fire, water, rain etc.
(f) To ascertain staff requirements for the library.
(g) To take decision on the procurement of equipments and technology required for the improvement of library services.
(h) To discuss in detail on the growth of the library particularly space, cleanliness, furniture, toilet, Xerox, internet facilities etc. depending upon demand and number of users.
(i) To discuss any other problem the librarian/assistant librarian may confront in running daily activities of the library.
(j) The Library Advisory committee has the power to advice for execution of decisions taken in the meetings and review of the same.
(k) For purchasing of Books:
The Librarian will collect the Booklist from the all Departments as well as list from vendors. After scrutinizing the list the librarian have to place the scrutinized list for prior approval with the Library advisory committee. After approval from the LAC the Librarian can placed order for purchasing the same.
As per decision of the Library Advisory Committee and in consultation with the departments, the Librarian may place supply order to the college authority for books, journals and stores required by the Library.
(l) Quorum:
At least 2/3 (two third) members attending the meeting will be considered as “quorum”.
(m) Tenure:
The Library Advisory committee tenure will be 5 years. At least 2 meetings must be held in a year, gap between the two will be 6 months. However, if situations demands more meetings can be organized as per advice of the President.
Library Membership:
The library services are offered to registered members only. The following category of persons are eligible for library membership.
Category | Eligible Groups |
Undergraduate Standards | Registered U G students of Golaghat Purbanchalik college |
Faculty | Teaching Staff of Golaghat Purbanchalik College |
Staff | Non-teaching staff of Golaghat Purbanchalik college |
Book Loan:
Only registered members are allowed to borrow books from the library. The following table provides borrowing privileges for various categories of members.
Category of Users | Book Entitlement | Duration |
Undergraduate Standard | 2 | 7 days |
Faculty | 6 | 15 days |
Staff | 4 | 15 days |
Staff Information:
The Golaghat Purbanchalik College Library has one professional staff an two non-professional staff out of three.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Educational Qualification |
1 | Mr. Jagot Chandra Bora | Assistant Librarian | MLISc |
2 | Mr. Donda Gohain | Library Assistant | HS Pass |
Library Resources:
- Print Collection:
The library has a total collection of about 2,120 printed volumes including books, text books and an amount of journals, magazines, periodicals of recent and back volumes. Books are organized in open access shelves fully classified using DDC of a variety of collections.
- Text and Reference book collection
There is a little collection amounting 2120 of Text and Reference books for different courses in the library. These are issued to students.
- Journals and Magazines
Different Journals are subscribed by the library. General magazines are also subscribed by the library. Library subscribes 3(Three) daily newspapers (English as well as Assamese).
- Question papers
Question papers of past years are available in the library. Users can make photocopy of question papers as they needed.
- Services:
- Reading Room
- Online Public Access Catalogue
- Circulation service
- Reprographic service
- Reference Service
List of Print Journals
Sl. No. | Name of Journals | Frequency |
1 | Aitihya The Heritage (Multilingual) | Bi-Annual |
2 | Arthshastra: Indian Journal of Economics & Research | Quarterly |
3 | International Journal of History | Bi-Annual |
4 | International Journal of Literacy and Education | Bi-Annual |
5 | Global Journal of Political | Bi-Annual |
6 | Leksema : Journal of Language and Literature | Bi-Annual |
7 | International Journal of Sociological Research | Bi-Annual |
List of Print Magazines
Sl. No. | Name of Magazine | Frequency |
1 | Prantik (Assamese) | Fortnightly |
2 | Gariyoshi (Assamese) | Monthly |
3 | Satsari (Assamese) | Monthly |
4 | Prakash (Assamese) | Monthly |
5 | Bartapakhili (Assamese) | Monthly |
6 | Frontline | weekly |
List of News Papers
Sl. No. | Name of News Papers | Frequency |
1 | Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese) | Daily |
2 | The Amar Asom (Assamese) | Daily |
3 | The Assam Tribune | Daily |
4 | The Times of India | Daily |
Date of Joining : 12th July, 2004
Date of joining : 10-11-2004