The Department of Economics Golaghat Purbanchalik College was established in 1987.The

current intake capacity of the department is 30 with two sincere, hardworking and well dedicated faculty members. At present the Department offers Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP) with the compulsory papers- Generic Elective courses. The prime objective of the Department is to prepare the undergraduate students with the updated knowledge of economics in a Economy following thoroughly the syllabus provided by Dibrugarh University for today‟s contemporary competitive environment. The Department is committed to nourish the students into competent citizens of future by imparting quality and value based education pertaining to economics prospective of India as well as entire world economy. Now with the aim of making each and every student a better learner and a responsible citizen, along with the regular classes, the department provides remedial classes, organizes Departmental Seminar, Group Discussion Etc.alone with this, under the guidance of Departmental teachers, a hand magazine “ECO-CENTRIC” is being published annually. The Department has recently offers add-on course in Rural Development since academic year 2022-23.


  • Development and Provide knowledge on recent economics scenario
  • Seeks to expand the knowledge of world economies and provide the quality education to every student.
  • To create a learning environment which will enable students to develop Economics on employment, carrier oriented knowledge and to have a holistic view of life.



  • To create an educational environment in which students can attain a variety of goals.
  • To highlight the Economics culture and its social responsibilities.
  • To encourage the students for reading different genres of economical prospective.
  • To introduce the basic concept about the Indian and the World economics among the students.


Bachelor of Arts in Economics (FYUGP)

1st& 2nd Semester: Economics Honours,
3rd& 4th Semester: Economics Honours,
5th& 6th Semester: Economics Honours,
7th& 8th Semester: Economics Honours,

Kamal Das

Department of Economics,

Date of Joining: 12-08-2008,

GolaghatPurbanchalik College, Hatiyekhowa,

Golaghat, Assam

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Pankaj Gogoi H.O.D

Father’sName :Kumud Gogoi
Address : Habichowa Borpather Goan. P.O Melamora
District: GolaghatPIN-785621
Designation Asstt. Professor of Economics Department
DateofBirth :19.05.1983
DateofJoining :10.12.2010

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